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Reasons to Go Wireless

Reasons to Go Wireless
For years, wires have been holding us down. Want to make a phone call? Go to the room where the phone is. Want to show someone your new vacation video? Better burn it to DVD first. Have a fun new song to share? Again, burn it to a CD.
For many people, all those hassles are a thing of the past, and they could be for you, too. The solution: Unleash yourself from wires completely. That's right—go wireless.
Wireless networking at home
With more people moving to laptops instead of using bulky desktop computers, the wireless home network is becoming quite easy to accomplish. With all your computers getting wireless Web access through a router, you're no longer tied to a particular spot. Now, if you want to email someone from the couch, you can. Want to bring the laptop to the kitchen so you can try out that new recipe, or browse sports scores in bed? It's easy.
But you don't just get Web access throughout the home—you get access to all your peripherals. Share a printer. Share files. It matters less and less where your "stuff" actually is when you can access it from wherever you are.
The most common example of this is probably the wireless entertainment system. Using a computer set up as a media center (connected wirelessly to the home network) and a Bluetooth remote control, you can download and stream videos, music and photos from your computer to your television and stereo.
One reason to go wireless not yet mentioned is probably the most obvious advantage: no wires! Your office and desktop will be that much neater and simpler.
These aren't all the reasons to go wireless, of course, but hopefully this has been enough to whet your appetite and introduce you to the possibilities going wireless has to offer. So take the chance. Cut yourself free from the cords and cables holding you in place. Go wireless and experience the freedom. You won't look back.


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